Episode #18

Cover Design

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About the episode

In this episode of Don’t Write That Book, AJ and Mike layout the key components of what makes a compelling book cover. They’ll explain why on-trend covers matter and detail the problems that can arise when you skip working with a professional cover designer.

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Show Highlights

“People put too much on their cover. You can’t see everything in a thumbnail, and you need to create space for that New York Times bestseller sticker.”

—AJ Harper.

“An endorsement is not to make you feel good. It’s to signal to your readers that this important person  to them has something of interest to say about it.”

—AJ Harper

“You have to have a professional cover designer. A hardcover has a flap component versus a paperback, and a professional will know how to make a cover work.”

—Mike Michalowicz

“It’s important to be able to read the title with a thumbnail. If I can’t easily see the title when I’m on Amazon, I’m not going to look at your book.”

—Mike Michalowicz

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