Episode #10

How to Vet and Pitch Traditional Publishers

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About the episode

In this episode of Don’t Write That Book, Mike and AJ walk you through the pros and cons of working with a traditional publisher and answer the big questions: can you get a traditional deal and if you do, can you make money? What’s the timeline? Do you need an agent to get a deal? Will you lose control over your intellectual property? Our hosts also go over some red flags to help you determine if a publisher is legit—and a good fit.

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Show Highlights

“Ask [publishers], ‘How would you position my book for success? Where do you see my book as it fits in the marketplace?’”

– AJ Harper

“Another red flag: Is this traditional publisher willing to negotiate? Will they be open to you taking time to read your contract and ask questions?”

– AJ Harper

When a reader falls in love with a book, I find they often fall in love with that space, and they’ll buy comparative books. So, these aren’t competitive books. These are books you’re complementing, but you got to position yourself uniquely so it expands their knowledge.”

– Mike Michalowicz

“One key thing to understand about advances, should you get one, they’re often tranched either into thirds or quarters. And the advance is distributed on signing the contract, 25% on delivery of the manuscript, and acceptance.”

– Mike Michalowicz

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