Episode #29

Reasons Manuscripts are Rejected by Publishers

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About the episode

In this episode of Don’t Write That Book, AJ explains to Mike what a Wall of No is. They’ll discuss all the fixable details that could lead to a publisher or agent rejecting a manuscript and share resources on how to find these Nos in your manuscript, as well as explain some of the reasons that are beyond an author’s control. 

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Show Highlights

“You got better through the practice. You get better through rejection. It, it’s like anything else. If you want to build muscle, you have to exercise.”

—Mike Michalowicz

“Publishers take on trends on what’s happening. ‘Oh, we’re not doing memoirs. Out. We’re in hybrid memoir. We don’t want just a straight memoir anymore.’ Whatever. They just decide. So it’s usually backed with some data, their own anecdotal experience. But they have an opinion. You can’t control that. That’s one reason.”

—AJ Harper

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