Episode #35

AJ’s Monetization Strategies

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About the episode

In this episode, it’s AJ’s turn to discuss ways to monetize books beyond sales. She has three key questions authors should ask themselves before starting and will go into detail about her plans and why she chose them. She’ll also explain how to artfully plant seeds in your book before publishing in a way that won’t feel icky and pushy.

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Show Highlights

“There are three criticisms that any book can receive. It’s a glorified brochure. Could have been a blog post. You know, summarize it in one sentence or one paragraph. It’s tricky to learn how to balance monetization with being of service.”

—Mike Michalowicz

“I ask these questions in my workshop from my students as they consider monetization and planting seeds in their manuscripts. One, what does your reader need? What’s the value add? How can you help them in addition to that? And, and when you’re doing that, consider entry, or price, as a point.”

—AJ Harper

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