In this episode, AJ and Mike talk about a potential downfall all authors face: inner critic trolls. They’ll not only share their own, but will go into detail about what steps they each take to keep those trolls at bay. It’s another “fly on the wall” episode demystifying the writing process with these two pros!
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“How I usually experience inner critic trolls: The draft is done, it’s in, and weeks before, I’m like, this is the best thing we’ve ever done. This is amazing. And then all of a sudden it hits me. It’s like, I suck. This sucks. Everything sucks. Why are we doing this?”
–Mike Michalowicz
“It’s not one troll. It’s an army. Anytime you decide you’re going to make something from nothing, it’s like they all show up There’s the kind of ‘you suck’ trolls, which is, you know, ‘you’re terrible at this. Who’s going to want to read this? You’re a terrible writer.’ For me, that would sound like, ‘You’re not funny. You’re boring.’”
–AJ Harper